Saturday, 29 April 2023

A NOBLE BEARING (GLoG Class: Goblin Knight)

A class idea created on behest of my GM, for a fellow PC.

Goblins get the idea of knights. A big fancy person, riding about on a fancy mount, being the fightiest. They don’t, however, quite get the whole “chivalry” thing. Or the “Honour” thing. Or the “Decency” thing. Boy howdy, do they get the “Win Your Fights” thing, though.

Thursday, 27 April 2023


The typical wizard is some degree of at least one of (and frequently many of); deranged, egotistical, insane, conniving, manipulative, and outright evil. So it is taught at the Bulwark Mundane, the training ground of the sect known to themselves as the Contrathaumic Crusade, and by everyone else who knows of them as Wizn'ts. Wizn'ts work to render themselves as unmagical as possible, becoming hyper-real and ultratangible in a world where physics interacts with magic on a daily basis to cause unforgivable crimes against basic sense. Wizn'ts claim that, compared to the mad tomfoolery of wizards (and those who accept them), they are in fact hyper-sane, beacons of reality in a world gone mad from the very start.
Anyone else would agree, that they're just as mad, but in a different direction. More mad, perhaps, to try to reject something that makes up the very fundament of this reality.

A fight against magic in a world borne from it may be a fight unwinnable, but it is one you still plan to win.

(Inspiration for the Methods system taken from Lexi's excellent Necromancer)

Friday, 21 April 2023

A Simple Task (GLoG Class: Breacher)

A simple class, for a simple task. Killing as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. 

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

GLOG CLASS: The Curse-Child


Another class, for those times where you're really sick of being cursed up to the gills. A bit overly specialised, but I hope there's places that it would work. Particularly evil megadungeons, perhaps.


 I'm going to test the waters here, by posting a stupid little race-as-class I wrote up a while ago in a fit of pique while considering familiars for a friend's Witch character in a Stonehell campaign. I'm well beyond my depth with this whole blog thing and broadly inept in general, so lets see how we go.

THIRD EYE SHUT (GLoG Class: Somnambulist)

 This here class was made on specific request by another player in an ongoing GLoG campaign i'm part of. It's basically a classic So...